
Who Needs Final Expense?

The most compelling reason to choose final expense is to take away the stress of paying for a funeral. Many seniors need final expense to help pay for these costs on behalf of their loved ones. With this coverage, you can eliminate that financial worry for your loved ones.

People Who Are Planning for the Future

Some people pick out their headstones while they are still in their prime. If this is you, you can take the opportunity final expense gives you to plan for the financials of death.

Seniors with Pre-existing Conditions Who Want Life Insurance

The typical life insurance policies—term life and whole life insurance—become prohibitively expensive when you reach old age. They also require a medical exam for acceptance and ask extensive health questions.

Seniors who have pre-existing medical conditions will find it near impossible to get a life insurance policy, and if they find one, it will be incredibly expensive. Luckily, final expense policies are affordable and have no medical exam.

Even if you have to answer “yes” to a few health questions, our advisors can match you with a guaranteed issue final expense policy so you get the coverage you need, no matter your state of health.

People Between Age 50 and 85

Final expense policies accept applicants who are aged 50 to 85 and who are in a generally good state of health. 

At this age, people begin to think of the end of their lives and how they want their memorials to be held. Choosing a final expense insurance policy is one step for people in this age group to prepare for the costs that come with the end of life.

Do You Need Final Expense?

Final expense makes sense for a lot of aging Americans. If you are on the fence about final expense or want to learn more, speak to one of our advisors to see how final expense can benefit you and your family. Book an appointment with USA Final Expense Advisors today!

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