
How to Qualify for Final Expense

If you are between age 50 and 85, you can purchase a final expense policy. You might think your age would make purchasing life insurance out of the question, but unless you are over 85, you can purchase final expense.

Does My Health Affect My Chances of Approval?

Final expense insurance companies know that seniors are more likely to have health concerns. That’s why they require NO medical exam and ask only a few yes or no health questions. Your answers to those health questions will help determine which policy type you qualify for.

What Health Questions Are On Final Expense Applications?

Even if you answer “yes” to a few of these questions, you may still qualify for the policy you want.

Here are some common health questions you might be asked when you apply for final expense:

  • Are you bedridden, hospitalized, in a care facility or receiving hospice care?
  • Do you have heart disease, or a history of heart attack or heart surgery?
  • Do you have congestive heart failure?
  • Do you have a circulatory system disease, or stroke history?
  • Have you tested positive for HIV or AIDS?
  • Do you have cancer?
  • Have you been diagnosed with a terminal illness?
  • Have you abused alcohol or drugs?
  • Do you have Alzheimer’s disease or dementia?
  • Are you taking medication or have you been treated by a physician for any of the above conditions in the past two years?

What Final Expense Policy Options Are There?

The standard final expense policy is also called “simplified issue” final expense. To qualify for the standard policy, you will need to answer the health questions. 

If you can say “no” to all of the health questions, you will be approved. Saying “yes” to one or more health questions does not necessarily mean you will be denied for that policy—this depends on the insurance provider. Your insurance advisor can help you look for policies that accept your pre-existing condition.

When you have multiple pre-existing conditions, a guaranteed issue life insurance policy is likely your best option. With a guaranteed issue policy, you will not be asked any health questions and are guaranteed approval.

Do I Qualify for Final Expense?

Let’s find out! Our advisors can help you compare your policy options and find you the best coverage available for your budget and your health status.

Get started with Final Expense today!

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